sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Kathmandu - Biplov Shop (Krishna's Shop)

As soon as you meet Krishna you will understand the reason why I dedicate this post to him and his shop. Such a charismatic, sympathetic and positive person, his "Namaste" and friendly approach will make you stop by sometime, maybe drink a cup of tea with him and get some supplies.

His shop will probably have what you are looking for and for a honest price, "always same price" as he  would say.
It's also possible to be part of the Krishna project, some work which is being done in his village. I haven't been there but apparently one school has been built and now they will start a guest house. Everyone is invited go visit the village and join them donating money or offering any kind of help.

It's not easy to give the exact directions to his shop since I have no clue about the name of those streets; but I believe it's gonna be easy to recognise it through the picture below. It's in the Thamel area of course, on the same street where the "Hotel Visit Nepal" is.
Tel: 016913019
Ask for Krishna Biplov.

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