terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013


Before arriving to Burma I have to admit that I had some expectation based on what I read and heard from other people about the country. Now I have to say that after few hours here the country proved being over my expectation, and the people specially make of this place a must in Southeast Asia. It’s a country where the constant changes don’t make anyone’s life easy when it comes to preparing a trip a bit in advance.

Well, this taste for the unknown is actually quite exciting, and mixed with a dose of respect for the country and local culture should be enough to avoid any big mistake. Not being sure about the money situation here at the moment forced myself to exchange all I had into US dollars as few cash machines have just been installed but are not reliable. And indeed US dollars is still the best option here at the moment; guest houses and some other services are quoted in this currency while smaller amounts, such as food, tea and other daily spends, can be paid with the local Kyats (1 USD = 857Kyats).

From the airport I chose not taking the a taxi to get to the center of the city, thus the option was walking to the bus station near the airport (10 miles station) and from there a local bus ride of maybe 30 min to the Sula (center), which costs 200kyats and offer an amazing first contact with locals since I was the only western on the bus.

A walking around the city is a constant smiling in every direction one looks at; such a friendly, happy and welcoming people work as a medicine to our westerner’s hearts. I don’t believe anyone can experience it without being touched by their warmth.

After finding a guest house, what was very easy, I wanted to eat something and ended up with some noodles with chicken, accompanied by a sort of soup, some onion’s pickle and, of course, a lot of dark tea! Everything very tasty! Next step was moving towards a tea stall and taste the classic Burmese tea, prepared with tons of condensed milk. This time I met a Burmese lady who was simply lovely; she told a bit about the country, her family and before leaving didn’t even allowed me to pay for my tea, when I actually wanted to invite her for the tea as a reciprocal gesture. 

Thanks Burma!

Um comentário:

  1. que legal Gu! esse povo deve ser super especial...beijos no teu coração, keep going! love
